1) You'll love (read: obsessed) your venture so much that you will have difficulty in finding time & motivation to find the "love" of your life :D
2) You'll find business opportunity cost of even your personal expenditures. E.g. should I buy an iPhone or 3 PCs for my office? Should I buy an i20 or should I invest in a new Business Franchise?
3) You'll get up at midnight and spend hours on the laptop/notepad just because you had a dream, which gave you a very good business idea.
4) You'll never be able to watch any movie with full concentration. You'll feel guilty of having spent 2 hrs. on such an unproductive activity. You may also get into the habit of watching 3 movies back-to-back just to tick on the movie-watching checklist.
5) Business, Venture, Opportunities etc. will be an integral part of any conversation (Lunch/Dinner).